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Grumman Goose

John York

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Apparently it has problems , what I'm not sure. As far as Im aware its the best one out there.

Im glad the subject has popped up - does anybody else have the sound problem ?  When inside the cabin the engine revs sound doesnt respond to the throttle levers position . Cruise and throttle back and the sound stays at cruise.

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Sure worth having great work indeed by all them guys over at there site.

Posted Image

[img width=1120 height=700]http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/uploads/1263783316.jpg

[img width=1120 height=700]http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/uploads/1263799616.jpg

[img width=1120 height=700]http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/uploads/1263750373.jpg



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"Sure worth having great work indeed by all them guys over at there site."

Is that Cumbrian English? I thought we had sometimes mangled the language here in the US, but I stand corrected. LOL

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Hi all  :)


Here is a easy fix for the sound problem:

Fix for the Grumman Goose sound problem:

Go to your Goose/Sound/SOUND.CONFIG and scroll down to



The above should be changed to read :


Save the file and it should be fine.

Have some fun with the Goose, and install the AussieX HD Pack. It's a fantastic piece of work  :D

Kind Regards


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Thanks for the prompt reply fellers.  I had a feeling there was one but when I went to the OZx site I couldn't find it so your link will help Warwick.  From Iain's pictures it is very much better than the default.  Thanks Iain.

I've heard of the sound problem before and think I've done the cure for it but I'll check.  Thanks for that Christian.  Mind you, at the moment it won't make a lot of difference as I've gone temporarily partially deaf in one ear and with warm olive oil trickling down my neck I suspect my wife is making it worse! ::)

I'll let you know how I get on.  I'm flying to and from all the OZx water starts at the moment.  My goodness, what scenery!  This afternoon I flew from the Derwent River to the Tamar River.  Very nice.

It's a pity they've got water walls at Coff's Harbour at the moment though because that is really such a pretty place.

Edited 4.35pm local - Got it but haven't flown it yet.  Very impressed with what I've seen.  Thanks a lot chaps.  Oh, and I was right, couldn't hear it but from the sound details my sound has been modified.


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That's a short time for modifications. 

Anyway, Edited 4.35pm local - Got it but haven't flown it yet.  Very impressed with what I've seen.  Thanks a lot chaps. 

Oh, and I was right, couldn't hear it but from the sound details my sound has been modified.  However, your 'filename=GGoos_RPM04_Right' Christian I think should read; 'filename=GGoos_RPM03_Left' as there is no 'RPM04' under 'COMBUSTION.1.03'

Now I really must get my Heli' flying practice in before dinner!

All the best


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In now know why it is I haven't had that Grumman Goose.  There's no way it can be steered on water!  Unless, of course, one of you fellers has found a fix.  The strange thing is the default can be steered with the number key pad '0' left and 'Enter' right.

Bit of a disappointment that.  I'm really surprised the Beta testers didn't pick it up.


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Hi John,

As for steering the Goose, haven't you heard from differential engine management ?

Furthermore an extensive number of people here at the forums have been more than helpfull to get you setup with the Goose in this case, just for informational purposes , these are the FTX forums, for your comments and other remarks about the Goose please be so kind and address them where they belong on the OZx forums.

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