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FTX Central V3 is Unable to Install from downloaded installer


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I was running FTX/ORBX products on an installation of FSX-SE for several years with no problems at all. Two weeks ago I installed P3Dv4 and the P3Dv4 version of FTX/ORBX products onto the computer in a separate folder, liked what I saw quite a lot and decided to delete both products and only re-install P3Dv4.    It had all been going fine until yesterday afternoon.  Using FTX Central3 I had already downloaded FTX Gobal Base, I think Vector, and was in the middle of openLC NA  when Central seemed to be slowing down.  I closed Central down and deleted it...thinking there might be a newer version. 

From the FTX website and official link, I downloaded a new installer, ran it, and recieved this error message: "An unexpected error occurred. Please send Orbx staff the %LocalAppData%\Orbx\ftxc3.log


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Just to follow up..I did finally find the Index specifically for Central 3 Problems and, having read and followed the suggestions it is up and running again.  

I apologize if I've wasted anybody's time in posting this "issue" in the first place!


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