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AU Blue Demo - missing traffic and ground objects etc


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Hi fellow simmers

I've just loaded the Tazmanian demo along with Launceston - Wow ! it looks so good, better in fact  than any of the commercial UK VFR scenery I have

However I seem to be missing something, I do not have any traffic , any airport clutter and the demo flights are not in their folder.

I have ticked all the boxes in the control panel incl. GA traffic

I deactivated  AUTraffic as I run  traffic 2005 (updated to FSX) as I installed it before realising that it was a replacement for the standard traffic and that other commercial offerings did much the same

I would love to practise circuits at Launceston with some other air craft for company - any ideas what I have done wrong

Do I need to make any amendments in any config files

Thanks in advance



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Hi Paul,

As Wolter has said, any FS9 traffic files on your FSX system will suppress all your FSX traffic files. You will need to check your Traffic 2005 pack as I think it uses FS9 traffic files.

FTX Launceston has a total of 13 dedicated AI aircraft operating in addition to the traffic generated by the FTX AU Traffic pack so you should have plenty of company to fly with.

In relation to the ground clutter and sundry scenery items, you need to download the latest library files for these to be seen. They are available from the Orbx/FTX support page here http://myftx.com/FTX_AU_BLUE/FTXORBXLIBS_091028.zip

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