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P3DV4 and missing Object Flow


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Having read the various topics regarding missing Ojectflow I am even more confused.

I have moved to P3DV4 and in the process reinstalling my many ORBX products - so far NZSI, NZNI, NZMF and NZQN as well as the Base and Vector. All looks good but no Ojectflow.

In FSX Central V3.3.0.6 I have ticked 'Use Object Flow2 in P3DV4'.


C:\users\user\documents\P3DV4 Add-ons contains only the ORBX Objectflow 2\add-on.xml as shown 

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<SimBase.Document id="add-on" version="4,0" Type="AddOnXml">

<AddOn.Name>Orbx ObjectFlow 2</AddOn.Name>

<AddOn.Description>Allows Orbx scenery to display dynamic content.</AddOn.Description>








C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\ORBX\FTX Central\v3.3.0.6 contains both

Orbx_ObjectFlow_x64.dll and Orbx_ObjectFlow_x64_PRE43.Dll


P     Also,  In P3DV4 the 'Add-ons' drop down only shows FSTramp, Sode and FSUIPC.


       Any advice please as to what is wrong or missing and if there is anything else I should check.

Should you need any more details please let me know










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which version of P3D v4 are you using?

Secondly, is your Windows user account name really "User"?

The text in your file doesn't seem to match what I am seeing,

try this instead.


<SimBase.Document Type="AddOnXml" version="4,0" id="add-on">
    <AddOn.Name>Orbx ObjectFlow 2</AddOn.Name>
    <AddOn.Description>Allows Orbx scenery to display dynamic content.</AddOn.Description>

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Thanks once again Nick,


I did as you suggested with no luck.

The path you had in the txt. file showed Central as being V3.3.1.1 the latest Central update I tried only gives me V3.3.0.6.  - is this the problem?


When I returned the backup copy of "Add ons" to P3DV4 which contained "Seattle X", "Traffic Global" and "Orbx ObjectFlow 2" I was

only aked if I wanted to enable the first 2 of them not ObjectFlow - is that a clue?






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Hello Graham,

your version number is correct, is being tested for release.

There seem to be two add-ons.cfg files,

C:\Users\your name\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\add-ons.cfg and

C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\add-ons.cfg.

The FTX Central entry seems to be in

C:\Users\your name\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\add-ons.cfg.

I only have one other, FsDreamTeam Addon Manager and it is in

C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\add-ons.cfg.

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Morning Nick,


Sorted .......


I also have the same two add-ons.cfg files one just contains the SODE entry and the other had all the rest.

C:\Users\your name\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\add-ons.cfg contained six entries

with the OjectFlow entry showing "ACTIVE=false". A quick change to "true" fixed the problem.

Why it was "false" I have no idea and as for P3d needing two "add-ons.cfg" files I'm not even going to ask :wacko:


Many thanks for you quick and speedy help.

Keep up the good work






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