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FTX Global folder empty

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Hi all


I was hoping if someone could shed some light on a problem I am having. This morning whilst firing up my sim, I was greeted with the dreaded 'generating scenery files index' freeze on 88% after installing ESSA. I uninstalled and of course the problem persisted. I used an addon organiser which showed me two folders that had incorrect paths. These two folders were FTXAU38_CUSTOM and FTXAU48_CUSTOM located in the FTX_AU folder which is located in the main ORBX folder (I do not own ORBX Australia and I can't remember if this folder is part of ORBX Libraries or FTX Global). Now I am not the smartest guy in the world when it comes to fixing issues with Prepar3d or addons, therefore I just disabled those two folders. I started up my simulator again and it began working again.

However whilst troubleshooting I noticed that my FTX Global folder is completely empty, even after uninstalling and reinstalling. I was wondering if anyone could help me fix this issue and somehow let me know if any other folders would be comprimised or missing scenery. I managed to permanently fix the two folders that had incorrect paths by using force migration.


I use a symbolic link for ORBX as well as a different bit of software for lights (Global and Vector ... only mentioning in case this is what's causing the problem). For ORBX, I currently have FTX Global (empty), FTX Vector, Europe Open LC, North America Open LC, FTX England, FTX Germany South, ORBX Trees,  KSAN and LOWI installed. I have included my FTX Global transaction on my profile.


Any help would be appreciated. 




Intel Core i7-6700K @4.6GHz
Corsair Vengeance 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR 4
Asus GeForce GTX 1080Ti Strix
Windows 10 64 Bit

P3D V4.3



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