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ORBX Libraries Frozen

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After loading all my ORBX Global files, I loaded ORBX Libraries last.  With each install I started Prepar3Dv4.3 to make sure it installed correctly.  I noticed after the ORBX Libraries installed it never gave me the option to Uninstall.  When I opened P3Dv4.3 and went to KDTS (Destin, Fl) it was not updated with the new files.  Now I am stuck... can't uninstall or reinstall.  

FTX Central - P3DV4 8_29_2018 8_40_13 PM.png

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your problem is probably not the libraries but they can be verified this way.




1. If FTX Central v3 does not automatically update the libraries, you can go to

ORBX\User Documents\Versions\ and delete FTX_AA_ORBXLIBS.TXT .

Run FTX Central again and only the files that you need will be downloaded and installed.



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I just did what you said to do...  No library scenery was installed on P3Dv4.3. The FTX ORBX LIBRARIES window still looks like my screen capture. It did allow me to reinstall, but did not change P3D scenery. 


I aslso tried a download from the support page.  It downloaded, but no scenery in P3D. 

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