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FTX Global Airport Pack building-textures

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Hi fellows!


I have an issue with my FTX Global Airports: On all airports the buildings are covered with wrong or black textures (as shown in the pic.).  I reinstalled FTX Global Airport Pack but it didin´t  change anything.  

I run the full updated FTX Central version with FTX Global, trees, Vector with p3d v4.3.


I hope that someone can help me or encountert the same issue and found a solution.


Thanks, Josh



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a part of your problem seems to be your scenery library which for Orbx products is not correct.


This is what you should be seeing



This is what I see with your scenery.cfg file and all your addons removed leaving just the Orbx entries in the wrong order.



You seem to have the wrong buildings in your image and many other things missing, like static aircraft for example.

I am thinking that you must have another version of this airport somewhere in your many other addons.

Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v4 27.08.2018 18_38_56_LI.jpg

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