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small squares

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Some back ground info: I purchased P3D 4 back in June, installed FTX Global Base and libraries and began having problems with small squares appearing on the terrain (see picture below - not my picture but one from : https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/537646-small-black-squares-on-terrain/).  The picture mirrors the problem I'm having exactly.  I found a post somewhere (I could kick myself for not bookmarking it) which contained a fix.  I don't remember where this thread is but I do remember that the cause of the squares, according to the thread, was scenery tearing. He suggested turning off a setting or turning on a setting. I don't remember.


This week I updated to P3D 4.3.  Squares returned.


So I totally reinstalled W10 and then P3D 4.3. I installed FSUIPC and flew a flight, specifically from KBOI taking off from runway 10R turning after taking off to an approximate heading of 190-200. Previously on the prior install this always produced the squares. I had none on the new install. Then I installed Orbx FTX Global Base Pack and then the libraries. I took off from KBOI again turning the same heading. I got the squares.


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Well, the response indicates I might have to live with this problem though there are people out there who have this problem besides myself.


Yesterday, I flew the same scenario out of KBOI, but this time I descended toward one of the squares.  As I did, the lower left corner of the square actually turned into a winter texture and it looks like the squares are actually water as you can see from the photo below.  Can anyone help?


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