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continue elevation issues

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Hi All:


Have run into a problem which continues to baffle me...several years ago I used ORBX sceneries on FSX...with no issues...then recently I started back with the hobby.

I downloaded p3dv4 and FSX Steam on a new computer and began purchasing new copies of ORBX...and using the FTX central interface to download and manage the sceneries on both platforms.

anyway...on both platforms I cannot figure out how to fix the elevation issues...my aircraft continue to stay sunken below the scenery...I've run the airport elevation tweak in settings etc...and to no avail.

I would think with this new FTX central...that would be a non issue...but I still cannot figure out how to fix it...very frustrated...can anyone assist? Thanks very much.

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oops I spoke too soon...strangely...Only Pago Pago airport is showing up correctly...the others are not.

I went to the manual process of disabling an airport "AEC"...and input "NSMA" (Maota Airport)...but it doesn't show up? 

I even input "NTSU" Pago Pago...which I know is working yet it doesn't show up either....not understanding this very well...sigh


Thanks for any help...

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