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To go above 4ghz on an i7 or not?


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I have just received my SP2 FTX DVD and am getting great frames everywhere except at FTX airports. This only happens when I'm facing the terminal buildings. My frames drop from 60fps where they are set to 16fps. The odd thing is that when I fly at Sydney International I get 30fps and thats with UT2 taffic set to 60% so something is going wrong. I have tried various setting changes both within FSX and in the Catalyst tools (I have a ATI 5870) but nothing makes a difference. I have read that someone else on the forums had the same problem recently but from what I remember there was no solution available. What I am wondering is should I overclock my i7920 from 4ghz to 4.2 to try to help gain a couple of fps. My maximum temp with fsx is approx 65C. Does this mean I have leeway to overclock more? I am using a Titan Fenrir cooler.

Another odd thing is that when I use Sony Vegas to render videos my computer crashes at about 80C from what I think is a result of too low a voltage setting - my Core Voltage is currently 1.3V. So when video editing I reduce my clock speed back down to 3.2Ghz. Does changing back and forth do any damage to the CPU? Apart from Sony Vegas, my computer is stable running other games as well as FSX. Also, would increasing my voltage help improve performance with FSX in any way. Could my cpu be undervolted resulting in these low fps when at FTX airports or is it not related. Is it really worth playing around anymore with my BIOS settings?



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Loads of questions there Steve...

Let me try and answer a few for you.

Q-What I am wondering is should I overclock my i7920 from 4ghz to 4.2 to try to help gain a couple of fps.

  A- In short, more Ghz means more FPS in many situations. How much more FPS can and will vary. More important than FPS is smoothness of your flights in FSX.

Q- My maximum temp with fsx is approx 65C. Does this mean I have leeway to overclock more?

  A- Are we talking CPU,Core or System temps? If Core(s) temps then,generally speaking, yes, although 65C is a bit on the high side. Generally, the threshold of an I7 is about 80C. If you are hitting that, then you're getting close to risky temps.

Q-Does changing back and forth do any damage to the CPU?

  A- I change from 4.0 to 4.3 back and forth all the time, and I've never had any problems. As far as I know (although I'm no expert) changing like you're talking about should not hurt anything.

Q-Also, would increasing my voltage help improve performance with FSX in any way.

  A-Not that I am aware of.

Q-Could my cpu be undervolted resulting in these low fps when at FTX airports or is it not related.

  A- Although CPU voltage can of course affect system stability, I'm not aware of if having anything to do with actual FPS and FTX

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Thanks Sniper31 for taking the time to dissect my truckload of questions. You have answered most of my queries. I was surprised to hear that 65C is on the highside. This is my CPU temperature that I got using 'Realtemp'. I think this will know steer me away from overclocking anymore if this is indeed high as you suggested.

One thing that I am more curious about is users experiences at FTX airports and how they affect your fps. Is it normal to have a frop of 30fps or more down to 16fps just by looking at an empty terminal building?

Interstingly, I downloaded the freeware, Redcliffe Airport, and I had no adverse fps effect when facing the terminal building; whereas at both Lausceton and Avalon airports I get the 30fps drop in fps even when the airport is void of traffic. I am wondering to myself what are the terminal buldings made of that reduce my fps by this much that the autogen/complex scenery isn't? I understand that every PC setup is different but it seems strange that I get such high fps everywhere except when I face a terminal builing at certain airports.

In saying all this I am extremely satisified with the FTX scenery, it has transormed my FSX experience beyond belief. The best purchase I have made yet. In fact I would say its the very reason I purchased my i7 machine (to use along with REX). The icing on the cake would be to solve why my fps take a sudden dip on account of facing a few polygons at an airport (meant with the upmost respect to the work that went into rendering those polygons) :-[.

Thanks for your help


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Steve, glad I could help. :)

One more thing. The reason I say 65C is on the high side for CPU temp is because, usually with 65C for the CPU, the Core temps are running in the high 70's to 80C range, which is getting close to the risky zone.

As for the drop in FPS when looking at certain terminals, the answer is 'NO' that is not normal for FTX airports. This can sometimes be a problem due to AI traffic variables. If you are using LOTS of AI (like more than 50%), using complex payware aircraft as AI (BIG PFS hit there) or have the airport vehicles setting on the highest setting, then that could be contributing to a loss of FPS when looking at the terminal buildings.

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