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Problem selecting YBCG & YSPT Compatability Mode

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I have purchased a couple of days ago the Gold Coast airport (YBCG) which has installed fine, I also purchased a few months ago the Gold Coast scenery. My problem is that after installing the airport when I try and select the city scene Gold Coast mode in the Product Control panel it won't stay selected. I can select it Ok and exit but when I go back into the control panel this section is deselected again as is the FTX Australia mode.


Any help and guidance will be very much appreciated.




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typically a product control panel works by renaming files from .bgl to.bgl.off.

It does not work if both versions of the file are present or if neither version is.


The easy way is to completely remove both the Gold Coast and the airport and

install them again.


The slightly more difficult way is to open ORBX\Scripts\orbx_cpl_YBCG.xml and go

through the list of files for each mode.

Wherever you see a duplicate, delete the .bgl.off version until there are no duplicates left.

Only one rogue file is enough to stop a control panel.

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