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problem with netherlands trueearth

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i did buy Netherland true HD,

i have 2 different drive: C. 250 GD in SSD for the system, and D 1 To in SSD for Prepar3Dv4.

When i start the installation with FTX Central 3, for a good installation we need over 160 GB between the download, and the extraction of the file.

i have spend over 4 hours between FTX central installation and Manuel download, t's steel the same the problem,
because FTX central is using C drive for the installation, I have only 150 GB left on my C drive . and you did not say that we need more then 180 GB avalaible for a full good installation.

please if you have any clue let me know, of can i get a refund.

Best regards

Alexandre MONCADAS

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