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I just disabled VEC for KLAS and rebooted.  It did not help.  The addon is FSDT KLAS.  


I also tried to run the auto process that discovers the scenery.cfg file for addons.  It ran for over 30 minutes before I gave up on it.  I have a very fast machine.  I remeber this process taking a minute in the past.


See attchment.


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Interesting question?  Prepar3d is located on the "F" drive, a high speed SSD.  The boot drive is "C" and some programs files are located there, also an SSD drive.


The ORBX folder is seen on the F drive.  I can't tell where the FSDT stuff is located. 



Prepar3D Location.png

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the Vector auto configuration does not work if the simulator

is installed to the root of the drive, as yours is.

To make it work, it would need a root folder for the simulator, such as F:\P3D .


It probably isn't worth reinstalling P3D to achieve this, a better compromise might

be to manually disable the AEC as required and save a profile instead.

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Darn, bad news.  I already had KLAS excluded in FTX Global Vector and the problem still persists.  I created a profile that has KLAS excluded but not sure what that does for me.


The other strange inconsistency is that KLAX is just fine and it is from the same vendor FSDT.


If I decide to reinstall (because I like add on airports), could I save my Prepar3d settings?





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