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Migrate from P3Dv3 to P3Dv4

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I am sure this will have already been covered but, for the life of me.....I cannot find the answer.


i want to easily add my FTX products to P3Dv4.3 from P3Dv3 without the need to redownload them all again.


Most grateful if someone could tell me how to do it!!


Thanks in advance,



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Hello Ian,

install P3D v4 and run it at least once.

Start FTX Central and it will let you choose P3D v4.

Do this and install all your products.

FTX Central will take the vast majority of the files from your P3D v3 installation with

relatively little downloading necessary.

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Hello Nick,


Many thanks for your response to my query.


I did exactly as you kindly suggested .......however, the downloads for my three installed products ( FTX Global : Base/Vector/ openLC Europe) still took over 6 hours!!


Is there a simple way of avoiding this event should, perchance, I have to reinstall P3Dv4?? Many thanks....





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