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Some floating buildingS L35

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Looking west at L35. Also floating barn at the east end of rwy. This was part of the TD migration to ftx central. Deleted the original Turb Designs l35 via control panel. Then installed through FTX. My guess there are some left over bgl's somewhere????? Any thoughts would be appreciated. 


Screenshot (343).png

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please search your simulator installation for L35.

For me, there are 155 items.

You should find only one file outside the ORBX folder,

in scenery\world\scenery

In your scenery library, L35 must be above SCA, if you have it.

FTX Central will do this for you.


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Hi Nick

Ok, I have 156  items. I have one file in the ORBX folder, in scenery\world\scenery. And L35 is above SCA in the scenery library. 

I did find however in (program files x86) Turbulent Design entry for L35 in the scenery cfg unchecked. Not being used. so I deleted that. Loaded up the sim, and still same result.

Other then a barn out side the airport, these are the only anomalies. I wonder if I should un-install, then re-install. Tried that once too, but still no joy.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Nick, If you see this post, you can mark it resolved. After getting some "free time" I wanted to tackle this floating building issue. Here is the string:                                                                   

C:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_L35\Scenery 

There is a TD bgl named "outer buildings" So I turned it off. Everything is good. Thanks for your help Sir. 


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