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CTD, Lost Western Europe? Try This.

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I have spent the last couple of weeks arm-wrestling my P3D v4.2 flight sim.

Briefly, I would get a CTD at the load up 100% point if  I was starting a flight from any airport in Western Europe. (Spain, France, Italy, Germany, UK & smaller countries thereto)

Rest of World was ok.


Went from Win 7 to Win 10, no change.

Uninstalled & reinstalled P3D v4.2 & much of my Orbx scenery, to no avail.


Yesterday I came across the following from about a year ago.

Its some advice from Elaine Dixon in the LM P3D forums re a sim freezing after a Windows 10 Update.

It fixed my problem.


Process: Clear out Generated Files


 - Navigate to your core P3D v4 file

 - Disc C, F, S?, wherever P3D v4 is installed), /Program Files/ Lockheed Martin/ Prepar3D v4/ Delete Generated Files


Double Left click on  'Delete Generated Files' (This will bring up a series of files & ask if you want to delete them. Go 'Yes' for each one, even if they seem major)


Next, launch P3D v4, then close it down (This will re-generate  the deleted files)


Open FTX Central 3 & wait 10 to 15 seconds, then close it.


Launch P3D v4 again to see if issue is resolved.


In my case it worked.


Hope this may help someone else.


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