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Frame rates in ORBX/FTX Germany S/N vs. England

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Hi Guys,


flying from EDDM to airports in England, I came across a strange difference in P3D 4.2 - flying in German airspace, I rarely get FPS above 20 on a fairly decent system (fast i7, Samsung SSDs, GTX 1060 6GB, 16GB RAM). Upon reaching the UK, FPS are way better, mostly around 30-40 at the same level of detail. Any ideas anyone what the cause might be ?





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I have a similar problem. On my old iMAC 2010 I can fly at 24 fps in Australia only. Even there I have to get out of town. I'm probably going to have to buy a new computer, just do not know the new iMAC 2017, or PC, for example Corsair One Elite.
He could also manage the big town and not just Australia with fps around 30-60.

Sorry for Google english





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