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LEBB elevation problem


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Elevation problem at ORBX's Bilbao LEBB: can anybody help? Happens on Runways, taxiways and gate stands. Ground level is below scenery ground --> aircraft sinks into the ground.
Already tried: vector AEC (LEBB not showing in the on or off lists), reinstalling the scenery, FS Global ultimate AFM tool, disabling FS Global ultimate Europe, disabling another LEBB BGL file found in P3D's scenery folder... I'm running out of ideas.



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Are you using MyTraffic? They add custom airport files that can be found in their installation folder, which can cause issues.

In your screenshots I can tell that the mesh sourrounding the airport is also either missing or overridden by another Bilbao-scenery file, so it seems your issue is also affecting the whole terrain around the airport and not only the ground itself.


Another question, do you have a LEBB file in Prepar3D v3/v4\Scenery\World\scenery ? We add a elevation fix with the Scenery, so check if its there. That should (if not overridden by another scenery), fix the sinking plane issue. But seeing your screenshots it looks like you have another Bilbao-scenery file running and the most common ones that is easily missed is the once placed by MyTraffic.


Nice plane by the way, can't wait to buy it as soon as I'm back home in Berlin :) 

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Hallo Marcus,


Danke schön für deine Hilfe! Yeah the 787 is a very nice plane, you'll have lots of fun with it.


Yes I am using a traffic addon: Ultimate traffic live. I think you are right, UTL should have installed a custom airport file which I need to find. Searching for it now. I have this file in my scenery folder: LEBB_ADEP3_MN_ALT.bgl. I think everything is ok there.


I tried a trick from the P3D Facebook group: copying the file LEBB_ADEP3_MN_ALT.bgl from the folder scenery/world to scenery/Base. There's a little improvement as you can see in the picture below, but I think the background is still not right. Will search for that UTL file and report back.


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Great! As for the background in the screenshot you just posted it looks pretty much correct.

In the earlier screenshots the hills on the left side of the terminal were flat so that's obviously not as intended.


The scenery/world/scenery file tells what altitude the airport is at, if changed from p3d default, which can create holes where runway/taxiways/apron are located if the airport is designed to be at another altitude. I'm a bit surprised that moving the file to scenery/base solved that issue, I will need to check why that worked and if that is something I need to adjust in the installation files. Are you using p3d v4.2?


The other issues I could spot that was quite apparent was that the hill left of the terminal (where the BILBAO sign is located) was completely flat. That issue must be that there is some other scenery file interfering with our scenery. Have you checked your ORBX scenery library insertion point? If it for some reason is set too far down the default insertions maybe there could be a conflict. The insertion point for ORBX-sceneries can be set in FTX Central.

Let me know if the Ultimate Traffic Live search resulted in anything. I'm not sure which AI addons adds custom files, I've seen a few MyTraffic issues and people usually miss them as they add files in their installation folder and is easily missed when searching for conflicting scenery files.


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Oh nice! Yeah I see now that the terrain is ok, hill with Bilbao sign is a hill indeed.


Yes I am using P3D v4.2. I even tried removing the file from the "world" folder, leaving it only in the "base" folder, and it kept on working (picture below). I'll put it back there anyway.


My ORBX scenery library insertion point is located just above all the default stuff (Bathymetry, Washington DC, etc.). All my other addons are above ORBX scenery. Maybe there's a problem with scenery library order, I don't know. I haven't found any specific LEBB file related to Ultimate traffic live.


Thanks for your help and for the great scenery!


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