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SODE Error

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Noticed this error in the SODE log file.


[21:38:50.921] ERROR SODE.FOLDERMANAGER : Failed to load xml file 'C:\Users\Ted\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\Orbx ObjectFlow 2\add-on.xml' (Code=17)

Does it mean anything.


I have noticed that I have a few stutters in the arrival airport (only after landing and taxiing towards the terminal) and have a feeling it is due to SODE.  So while fishing around for a solution I came across this error.  Maybe it is this error causing the stutters.  Any help will be highly appreciated.






Log file attached


SODE Log file.txt

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I can see the following error in the log file for SODE.


ERROR SODE.FOLDERMANAGER : Failed to load xml file 'C:\Users\Ted\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\Orbx ObjectFlow 2\add-on.xml' (Code=17)

Looking for assistance in case any one has a similar problem.





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  • 5 months later...



Just one finding about your add-on.xml file for ObjectFlow, which is the probable reason for this error according to SODE:
Your add-on.xml is coded as "UCS-2 LE-BOM" while the others are coded as "UTF-8" typically. That's the reason for the error 17. Maybe you correct this with one of the next updates.





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