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Merry Christmas to one and all...

Jay Kae

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This is my answer to all the posts on Christmas scattered from private to public forums, thank you all for the well wishes.

From myself and my family, I wish you all a Merry and Safe Christmas, shared with loved ones a dish best served. Take a moment of your day to think about those less fortunate than ourselves and take nothing for granted. Too many things have happened this year, Hutchie's parents are having their first Christmas without Will, my heart goes out to them and others who have lost and are experiencing their first year without that significant person in their lives.

Take a moment to say I love you to the people that matter most, pick up that phone, call that brother, sister, father, mother, whomever who you have not spoken to for too long. May you all get what you wanted but most of all may you give even more.

With warmest regards,

Jay & Family

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Yes I agree Jaykaye...well said ;)

To everyone here on the forums - to the whole ORBX/FTX team, I wish you all a safe and happy Christmas and look forward to another top year flying with the best crew around. ;D

Please everyone be safe this festive season, DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE - and as Jay has said - think of those who are less fortunate than yourself - and also spare a thought for the troops overseas who are away from loved ones and serve this blessed country so well.

Merry Christmas and a safe and happy 2010

Glenn Roberts and family.....

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As a relative newcomer to these forums I'd like to thank each and everyone of you for playing a big part in what FSX simming has become for me.

Reading your posts, viewing your screen-shots and flying with you multiplayer online etc. have been a great way to escape the worries and troubles associated with the "real-world" at times.

Looking forward to continuing to do so next year and beyond!  ;)

Wishing you all a great Christmas whatever you are doing and whom you are sharing it with.  :D


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