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KMRY and Northern Cali

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Although I have purchased Northern Cali, I have uninstalled it due to performance issues. However, I just bought KMRY and installing it as I type: can I use the airport without Northern Cali installed, since Northern Cali is listed as a prerequisite for KMRY? I have all the FTX products installed... 

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Hi, from memory you will have elevation issues around KMRY without the mesh that is used in NorCal.  You will also have other issues which are listed in the user guide for KMRY.


"What will you miss out on if you don’t have Orbx FTX Northern California installed?
• Blending of the airport photoreal into the surrounding terrain
• Moving traffic on roads, properly aligned to the photoreal ground terrain
• Enhanced FTX Global 3D lighting system with improved FPS in urban/township streets around the airport
• Orbx’s modified houses and trees which match North American houses and trees"



In my experience the NorCal mesh would be considered pretty important as there are steep edges around the airport without it.


As you own NorCal, I would suggest reinstalling it, and just disabling any features you don't want or need through the control panel or manually, as to ensure compatibility.  If you wanted, you could disable everything except the mesh, so you won't have the obvious elevation issues.



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