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ESSA Arlanda afcad missing stands

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I've noticed through using the Aivlasoft EFB that multiple stands are missing on the afcad. I'm not using static aircraft for the scenery but some of the gates shouldn't be affected anyway as they're not used by static aircraft when enabled. The missing stands are few from every pier (attached pictures). The stands are also missing from the simulator (can't spawn, GSX can't read them). In the pictures you can see the stands (taxi lines followed with blue dots) compared to taxi lines that are cut off where there actually should be a stand.



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There are a few spots missing in the AFCAD due to that we reserved those for statics and kept them empty if statics were not enabled to ensure there were spots for the user aircraft if using lots of AI.

As this has been brought up a few times already we clearly misjudged the impact that would have for some customers and will adjust this for the next patch. When that patch would be released is not decided.

Since our release the parkings at ESSA has also shifted slightly which I can't tell if your Availasoft EFB is up to date with. Ramp G & F are having restructuring going on, and a new area has been built next to T2 with perhaps 10 new spots. We intend to include this in a future update.

If you download Airport Design Editor it is a fairly easy fix if you can't wait,

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