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Japan (Haneda) is glitching out on me

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It's odd and a problem I've never had before. As far as I know it's only happened around Tokyo (Haneda Airport) and that's a bummer because I want to fly here all the time with all the Japanese airports coming out. Whenever I fly it glitches out around the airport like crazy... I've been to Narita, Kurisho, and a Chubu, and a few other places and they dont have this problem, I've used the addon from technobrain and the issue still happens with this area. This video is with me using only Orbx FTX global, vector... I think this happened before I installed technobrains Haneda as well...

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Thanks, kind off wasnt expecting so many other people to have the same problem. although I did solve the 8519 railway problem, I did for some odd reason i'm getting a scenery.dat file error popping up telling me to delete it... deleting it should be okay for other sceneries? It's starting to happen when I'm flying once every couple off mins or so...


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16 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


you have renamed it incorrectly, so it is still being seen as a bgl file, because it is.

Please rename it correctly, 8519_OBJ_ExtrusionBridges_Railway.bgl.inactive

I just deleted it... everything is fine (I made a back up just incase) I made a flight from haneda to narita and it's all good without any problems... Thanks for your help

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