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Time Limting Flight Test for potential buyers

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Not sure if this is the right area for posting this, so please move if needed.


I am just wondering if Orbx could consider having a ‘’2 x timed test period’ for new products being released so potential buyers can have a quick look at the product and decide if it right for them.  Any more time than this would be uneccessary and being limited to say 2 goes is just incase sliders need to be changed on someone’s machine for the a second flight test.  There are some airports I as yet have not purchased as I am not sure they are what I want.    And I am sure there are other out there thinking the same.  This option could help greatly.  


This would be great for example to test out on the new Netherlands TrueEarth as this is a completely new scenery set, very different to previous sceneries.  This would allow potential buyers see what is like on their machines, confirm it is what they want visually & experience wise, and therefore confirm it is actually for them. 


It’s probably a big ask as I know Orbx is very busy, but sometimes just having a 10-15 mintue flying time sample period of the airport and surrounding area is a great way of determining the above 3 issues that buyers can test for themselves rather than having to rely purely on reviewers and users opininions who can have different machines or different desires/needs.  I know Tasmania for example was offered as a free download area, but this is more about a time limiting flight over an airport and it’s surrounds that would not work again after two goes unless you buy the product.


Any consideration on this time limiting trial for this new scenery (and consideration for other airport and sceneries) would I think be a great help and service for many Simmers out there.


Just a thought I hope Orbx may consider. 


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I think that the chances of this being offered are very small.

It may be relatively straightforward for an aircraft or even an airport but for a region

I don't think it would be feasible.

I think that you will probably have to continue to rely on the preview screen shots, 

preview videos and product reviews that really are enough to make an informed decision.

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