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CYXE out of alignment

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Greetings, I have an issue with my NA airports, specifically CYXE. 

I am running p3d v4.2.21.24048

I have Orbx Global Base, Open LC North America, Global Vector, PNW Demo, Bowerman, and the libraries installed. 


This problem came up previously and I was able to correct it by performing a complete reinstall, (deleting all users\...\appdata\Lockheed Martin and ProgramData/Lockheed Martin etc)


When I recently re-installed my p3d v4, and all my orbx products, the airport was in correct alignment, it was seemingly only after running the Orbx Vector configurator to disable AEC for KSEA that the airport 'shifted' again. I have included screenshots that should illustrate this situation. 


I have tried running the configurator again, being sure as an administrator, however the problem doesn't actually seem to be in elevation rather a spatial shift laterally. I have also tried removing one at a time, Vector, OpenLC, Airports then reinstalling aiports, but the problem did not go away. 

Any ideas what might be causing this? I haven't searched other airports exhaustively to see if it happens anywhere else (I haven't come across it anywhere else), but CYXE is my home airport and I like to use it regularly. 

Apologies if this issue has been raised elsewhere, I couldn't find anything about it, though I might not have had the right keywords to search. 


Thank you very much for your time. 


Screens: The most immediately obviously shifted feature are the concrete runway access points which are usually not covering the thresholds of the runways.



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I don't believe that could be the case, I haven't installed any other scenery for YXE, is there some way I might troubleshoot this? I tried ranaming the scenery.cfg to let p3d regenerate it with no luck. 

So it would seem I messed up, turns out MyTraffic was causing the shift somehow, I would guess forcing the runway to be in a position which was 'wrong'. I hadn't considered that that particular add-on would have anything to do with scenery so I didn't think for a second it might be the culprit. 


Sorry for wasting your time, thanks for the great products. 



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