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Prepar3d v4.2 crash to desktop in specfit aria

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I have orbx for a long time and before few monthes i noticed that every time that im flying aboue Austria my p3d is crashing

im pretey sure that its becouse orbx

so i tried to use the back up and to remove the orbx from my simulator but its seems that nothing has been changes !

the ground is like orbx's ground


* i know about few specipic points in prepar3d that if i will reach there the simulator will crash in 100%


all what is have is orbx global


so what is want to is to complitly remove orbx from my p3d

but i dont know how to clean my simulator from any memory of orbx

please help me !

i realy helpless  


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52 minutes ago, john548 said:


Read the link below to if you think that Orbx is causing your problems, but it may benefit you by asking for support first.


hello sir

first of all , thanks for helpping

i will say you at honestlly , im pretty afried to do that

i dont want to complitly distroy my simulator

is this way is safe in 100% ?

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7 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


welcome to the forums.

You can test by un-ticking the scenery library entries for your FTX scenery

and seeing if the problem goes away.

No need to uninstall anything.

i installed orbx via the ftx few times and its probebly coused that the global scenery Intermingled with p3d global scenery

i can infer that becouse when i un-ticking the libaries 

and going back to p3d, the ground texture is still of orbx

do you have some advice for me ?

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7 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Yes, you have replaced all the default textures.

You cannot undo this by un-ticking a box but you can uninstall

if you made a back up of the default textures.


so i did a backup

but i dont know how to use it 

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  • 1 month later...



I have such a problem too and I wonder if it is the same as Ariel has:

When starting P3DV4.2 with any airport east of E015° (sharp) and west of E105° (sharp), i.e. within an arc of longitude of exactly 90° I have a crash to desktop.
The airport shows up, but within a few seconds P3DV4.2 shuts completely off without any error message.

As this E015° meridian goes through Austria this might be the same problem:

Starting up in LOXZ Zeltweg (E014°44') works fine, starting up in LOWG Graz (E015°26') fails.


The problem occurs within the whole range of geographical latitude, not only in the latitude of Austria. I verified that with a lot of airports up north and down south close to the E015 meridian (e.g. ENSB Svalbard at E05°27' and FYLZ Lüderitz at E05°14' both fail), close to the E105 meridian and in between.


I first became aware of that problem about 1 month ago, when I installed P3D4.2 from scratch and it made me so "p****ed offf" that I stopped this installation and started a new one from scratch. But the problem shows up again, so it should not be some by chance defect of some file caused by a hardware problem.


Unfortunately I have a huge amount of scenery add-ons, both from ORBX and from other developers, and I dont know which add-on installation caused the problem.


When disabling all scenery entries in the scenery.cfg except for the basic P3DV4 sceneries the problem still exists.


When installing a new scenery I normally opened it by starting P3DV4.2 at an airport of this add-on, and I did not notice the problem then. So it may well be possible that some installation of an add-on scenery which is not in the E015° to E105° range caused the problem.


The last add-ons I installed before noticing this problem were ORBX Rinteln EDVR and ORBX Rügen EDCG. But I dont want to indicate that ORBX is the culprit here, it is well possible that some other earlier installed add-on is the bad guy and I just didnt notice it immediately.


A repair of the P3DV4 Professional Client and P3DV4 Content did not solve the problem. I am reluctant right now to repair the P3DV4 scenery too, because this might create additional chaos with all those add-ons and changes I have made.


One more observation that migh or might not be relevant to this problem: Whenever I start P3DV4.2 it always performs the "Building new database ...." operation showing the blue progress ribbon even if I did not install, remove or change any scenery. If I remember correctly this is not the normal behaviour of P3DV4.2.


Ariel: May I ask you please to try out whether you see the same symptoms, e.g.

- LOXZ Zeltweg is ok

- LOWG Graz is NOT OK

- ENSB Svalvard is NOT OK

- FYLZ Lüderitz is NOT OK

- VVNB Hanoi is ok

- VDPP Pnom Penh is NOT OK

and let me know, in this case we should have the same problem.


Nick: Any idea from your side which files might affect this precise 90° longitude range???


Thank You in advance to anyone who might have whatever ideas on how to solve this issue ...


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