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Strange effect on the terrain

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Hello everyone,

I've just installed my ORBX products, but when I loaded my sceneries ( doesn't matter where I load the aircraft ) what I see is that.

What seems strange to me are the spots that are all over the ground, instead of being a continuous surface, without jumps of texture as you can see in the photos.

I also let you my scenery library order ( I have to say that I just reinstalled windows a few days ago, so I don't have any addons installed yet, just the ORBX ).


I hope it can be solved, thank you!!













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Hi there,


if you're looking at a landclass-based scenery "from space" that's how it will appear. Technically, it's a grid of squares about 1.2km by 1.2km each and the main reason it doesn't actually look like a straight-edged checkerboard is because there are blendmasks in use between adjacent tiles and also landclass polygons placed in some areas to enhance detail and accuracy.


In short, I'm not seeing anything wrong with your scenery display. Those patterns visible in your screenshots will be much less obvious if you don't look at them top-down and zoomed out to the max.


Cheers, Holger

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1 hour ago, Holger Sandmann said:

Hi there,


if you're looking at a landclass-based scenery "from space" that's how it will appear. Technically, it's a grid of squares about 1.2km by 1.2km each and the main reason it doesn't actually look like a straight-edged checkerboard is because there are blendmasks in use between adjacent tiles and also landclass polygons placed in some areas to enhance detail and accuracy.


In short, I'm not seeing anything wrong with your scenery display. Those patterns visible in your screenshots will be much less obvious if you don't look at them top-down and zoomed out to the max.


Cheers, Holger

Perfect! It was simply a doubt. Thank you for your quick response!! 

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