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Significant FPS drop in EU IRELAND + snow tiles popping up


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This is my first post on this forum. First of all, many thanks for this wondeful product !



I followed thoroughly the optimization guide and set my auto gen density to "dense" as per your recommendation depending on my cpu performance.


I did a test flight over the region of Athens in Greece which is very dense with default weather and I achieved around 20FPS with the carenado 172. When I use the same conditions over Dublin departing from Weston airport EIWT, I barely achieve 10 fps when I am lucky....


I am missing something or are the region "coded" differently and much more demanding ?


I tried to lower the autogen settings to "normal" but results are almost the same.


Last issue, again, over Ireland, I have some "snow tiles" (I guess its snow because they are white) poping up when I depart from an airport and then after few seconds they disappear little by little. Very annoying.


I have a laptop Asus Rog i7 2.6 ghz, GTX960M, that handles pretty well in general.


Thanks you for your help or advice, I am sure I am missing something. Can't wait to use your products properly as they look amazing !!!


Best regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Seb,

welcome to the forums.

Probably your laptop is struggling to display what is being asked of it.

The regions are more complex and demanding than default scenery,

everyone would be disappointed in them if they were not so.

Snow, if that is what it is, is not well displayed in the simulators.

Could it be that the tiles are not being drawn rather than being drawn white?

A screen shot might help.


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  • 4 months later...



I've been having the same issue. It's not snow as it's during summer time and the weather was the ORBX weather which is similar to the conditions found in Southern Australia. This only seems to happen to me in Ireland (just the Republic of Ireland, not Northern Ireland) and some parts of England. I took a screenshot yesterday which may help to work out what the issue is. If anyone has any suggestions, that would be great.


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