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I have FSX: Steam Edition installed on my computer, which was working great. I bought FTX Norway to upgrade my scenery. When I installed it (via FTX Central), nothing happened on the simulator. I added all the sub-folders (scenery, mesh, custom...) manually, and it showed up. However, I have some issues with the textures. 


1. The main problem is where there should be water, there are land. All the fjords are not visible, but the terrain is flat.

2. The roads do not show up. I can see some cars driving around, but there are no roads to drive on.

3. White squares with no texture shows up occasionally. There are also "blinking" on some of these squares, and it seems like it cant decide which texture it should have.


I have changed my settings in FSX to the ones recommended in the user manual.

I have REX 4 installed. Need help!

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