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nVidia GTX285 or ATi 5850 | RAID Controller


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Hello everyone

I'm in the process of building a new i7 PC to replace my ageing AMD 64 (good 'ol socket 939) so I can start playing a game I bought 3 years ago (FSX  ::)) and start my collection of FTX goodies.  I was originally thinking of getting an ATi 5850 as that supports DX11 and seems to perform on par with the slightly older GTX285, but I noticed John V recommending the GTX285, and I also noticed most of the Orbx Developers here using nVidia over ATi.  So this may seem a silly question but does the GTX285 indeed run FSX better than ATi?

I am also considering getting the Gigabyte GA-EX58A-UD7 (AKA "Deluxe II") and running a pair of Velociraptors in RAID0 but have read here that Gigabyte's onboard RAID controller leaves a sour aftertaste so to speak.  Is there another solution besides from parting with ~$190AUD to get the Adaptec AAR 1420?  --- I read somewhere on this forum something along the line of using the Northbridge rather than GigaRaid?  Is this implemented through the BIOS?

Thanks heaps, all advise greatly appreciated!


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Hi Jason,

Welcome to the FTX forums :)

As for the hardware, as for the Vidcard query what I have noticed is that a number of people that are using the ATI cards seem to suffer with AA settings, using the 285 myself I must say that I am really happy with it and certainly with the latest drivers that nVidia has released.

As for the MoBo I can't comment on the Gigabyte X58 as far as I have heard it seems to do well, don't know about the RAID issue but others that use it can comment on that ;)

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I've got the same question on the video card...  The 5850 will perform like the 5870 when overclocked and spanks the 285 in all the benchmarks around the web.  That said, it may be a case of FSX doing better with the Nvidia solution but I'm more inclined to think that is just unproved assumption rather than just fact since it doesn't seem to square with the data that IS out there...

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I just overclocked my 285 and put in a bufferpool setting and it's running beautifully.

I had a 4870 and it was not good, I can't comment on the 5xxx cards from ATI.

If you do get a 285 I would get the one with the fastest clock speeds, after I overclocked mine I noticed a 4 fps jump in all situations.

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I am also considering getting the Gigabyte GA-EX58A-UD7 (AKA "Deluxe II") and running a pair of Velociraptors in RAID0 but have read here that Gigabyte's onboard RAID controller leaves a sour aftertaste so to speak.  Is there another solution besides from parting with ~$190AUD to get the Adaptec AAR 1420?

Yes - ICH10R is far superior to GigaRAID.

What you are buying with a standalone Adaptec card is a hardware RAID solution, whereas (my understanding) is that the Onboard chipsets are Firmware solutions, and still chew up CPU cycles.

I am about to migrate my RAID array onto a 2420 Adaptec CARD for this reason.

The ICH10R is faster and more reliable than GigaRAID, and easy to set up under Win7.  As an example ... sometimes my D-drive "isn't there"

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Thanks guys!

I think I'll go with the nVidia GTX285 seeing that's the favoured card around here. 

Yes - ICH10R is far superior to GigaRAID.

What you are buying with a standalone Adaptec card is a hardware RAID solution, whereas (my understanding) is that the Onboard chipsets are Firmware solutions, and still chew up CPU cycles.

I am about to migrate my RAID array onto a 2420 Adaptec CARD for this reason.

The ICH10R is faster and more reliable than GigaRAID, and easy to set up under Win7.  As an example ... sometimes my D-drive "isn't there"

As for RAID, I didn't quite understand what you are saying about the "... sometimes my D-drive 'isn't there'" , but I might have a bash at implementing it using ICH10R first and see how it goes, and only look at the Adaptec cards if there are any issues.  Once you've got your RAID array migrated onto the 2420 Adaptec, would you mind posting some comments about whether you noticed any performance or reliability gains?  Thanks ;D

Unfortunately the recent shortage of GTX285 and i7 920 in WA means my chances of getting into FTX before Christmas is shot.  Thats the problem with being so far away from everyone else!



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Just to confirm:

I received my new PC last week with the GTX285.

It runs so fast and so stable! Great visuals and FPS, twinned with great stability. Perfect card for FSX. DO NOT (I know you probably weren't anyway) get the GTX295 JUST for for FSX as it's Dual-GPU, no FSX advantage there.

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As for the hardware, as for the Vidcard query what I have noticed is that a number of people that are using the ATI cards seem to suffer with AA settings, using the 285 myself I must say that I am really happy with it and certainly with the latest drivers that nVidia has released.

I’ve been using both the GTX 285 and now the ATI 5870 with FSX and without a doubt the 5870 out performs the GTX 285.

Unless you are going to use nHancer with the GTX 285, Nvidia has no advantage over the ATI 5870 as far as image quality is concerned.

ASUS Rampage II Extreme (1639 BIOS)

Intel Core i7-975 Extreme Edition w/Thermalright Ultra-120 eXtreme 1366 RT

Mushkin Redline Ascent 6GB (3 x 2GB) DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) (6-6-5-18-1N)

Asus/ATI 5870 (Catalyst 9.11)

Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty

WD VelociRaptor 150GB – Windows 7 Ultimate 64

WD VelociRaptor 300GB – Games/Programs

WD VelociRaptor 150GB - XP Pro 64 Bit Edition/SP2

WD VelociRaptor 300GB – FSX

PC Power & Cooling T1KWSR 1000W


ASUS Rampage Extreme (BIOS 1202)

Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650 w/Thermalright Ultra-120 eXtreme

Mushkin XP3-12800 Ascent 4GB (2 x 2GB) DDR3 1600

EVGA GTX 285 FTW (195.55)

Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty

WD VelociRaptor 150GB – Windows Vista Ultimate 64/SP2

WD VelociRaptor 300GB – Games/Programs



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one likes white wine the other red wine

... and some like having a contrary position .....

Lol,  what’s does it have to do with liking red or white or “having a contrary positionâ€, you choose the hardware that is going to perform the best for a given task, period.

ASUS Rampage II Extreme (1639 BIOS)

Intel Core i7-975 Extreme Edition w/Thermalright Ultra-120 eXtreme 1366 RT

Mushkin Redline Ascent 6GB (3 x 2GB) DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) (6-6-5-18-1N)

Asus/ATI 5870 (Catalyst 9.11)

Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty

WD VelociRaptor 150GB – Windows 7 Ultimate 64

WD VelociRaptor 300GB – Games/Programs

WD VelociRaptor 150GB - XP Pro 64 Bit Edition/SP2

WD VelociRaptor 300GB – FSX

PC Power & Cooling T1KWSR 1000W


ASUS Rampage Extreme (BIOS 1202)

Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650 w/Thermalright Ultra-120 eXtreme

Mushkin XP3-12800 Ascent 4GB (2 x 2GB) DDR3 1600

EVGA GTX 285 FTW (195.55)

Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty

WD VelociRaptor 150GB – Windows Vista Ultimate 64/SP2

WD VelociRaptor 300GB – Games/Programs



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If you can wait, it is best to see what happens when nVidia release their 300 series, which will also be DX11 and finally bring the  prices of the 5xxx series down (they're in they're own market atm). 

You may also want to consider the advantage that the 5xxx series have over any gaming GPU currently out on the market: EyeFinity.  This has been discussed a lot in this forum already.

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Hello RallyFan. I changed from a Nvidia 9800GTX to  a 280GTX and although in a lot of situations the difference was hard to distinguish, YMML was totally transformed for example. Now it is very flyable and not stuttery.  Can't comment on ATI as I've been a Nvidia fan for years.

I have recently built a new PC (see specs) with RAID 0  using an Adaptec 1430SA card(see other post in Hardware section) thanks to the encouragement of others in this forum.  TBH I haven't seen a VAST improvement yet but it's early days and some fiddling is still required. But it does load FSX itself, and flights, quicker.  If I was starting again I might wait and see what happens with the advent of SSDs.


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Thanks again to all who provided comments and advise.

If you can wait, it is best to see what happens when nVidia release their 300 series, which will also be DX11 and finally bring the  prices of the 5xxx series down ...

Unfortunately I can't wait, thanks to all the juicy videos in this forum  :D  I also have some leave coming up before Christmas and wanted to take advantage of that to fly around Australia on FSX/FTX/OZx.  Whether my fiance approves or not is of course an entirely different matter  ;)

I've ordered the CPU, Mobo and FTX Australia SP3  ;D  I know I said earlier that I'd go with the GTX285, but I've been calling around all morning and have now changed my mind and just got myself onto the waiting list for either ATi 5850 or 5870, whichever comes first.  Such is the shortage of decent graphics card in Perth at the moment, and for some reason most vendors are not even bothering with trying to get the GTX285, whereas the 5850 and 5870 are trickling in a bit at a time.

Better go do some chores now to get in the good books with the missus ... man the things we do for this hobby.



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Glad we could help mate.  I notice from your sig that you're a rally fan - have you played DiRT 2 on a console, or the demo for PC?  I just downloaded the demo, and was wondering what your thoughts on it are - you'll appreciate the 5xxx DX11 for this game I'm sure.

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Hello James

Yes, I've been a fan of rallying for a while now and use to go to every Rally Australia until the local Minister for Tourism decided WA didn't need any international events anymore  >:(  Oh well, at least WRC is back in Australia now (NSW) but the state of the competition is a bit shocking nowadays ... but thats another story.

I've played the DiRT2 demo on my PS3, its pretty good and the graphics is better than the original DiRT.  Handling wise it is quite similar to the original DiRT which IMHO is well ballanced and fun.  You'll certainly enjoy it if you prefer your driving games somewhere between arcarde and full-blown simulation.  I didn't end up buying the PS3 version as I've been waiting for the PC version to be released.  Reason for that is because I use the Logitech Driving Force Pro, and the Logitech PC utility allow me to tune the lock-to-lock angle on the wheel, whereas the PS3 version is limited to 90 degrees either side, which does feel a bit too sensitive for my liking.

I think the ATi card I've ordered comes with a free DiRT2 game coupon ... hehehehe, gonna be busy this holiday!



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  • 4 months later...

I've got an X58A-UD3R and I don't know what our taste you're referring to with RAID 0 but mine seems to be working fine... touch wood. Maybe it's a UD7 issue but I somehow doubt that board would have a superior number of problems to my board... then again it's prob more complex and that might cause some issues but I've found none. I'd like to point out that I'm not using raptors... maybe the older tech hdds dont have any issues while newer raptors and ssd are still acting up... hopefully all the issues will be solved with bios updates in due time.

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