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Crackling / Popping


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Hey everyone. First of all let me excuse myself if this isn't the right thread to post this kind of topic in. Now, for a long time I've been struggling with a very annoying issue. I've had it for as long as I can remember. Whenever I fly in DX9 mode, I always hear bad crackling / popping in the sound. I've noticed some say it gets worse over forests, but I think it's just as bad over a forest then it is over a town. I do notice though, however, over less dense areas of autogen, it isn't as bad. But I love autogen. The game looks dull without it. And without the autogen, Australia isn't as beautiful. I've tried every tweak known to man to try and fix this issue, but all I have seen is a fix for the bufferpools tweak for Graphics cards that have 1 gig of memory. I have a GTX275 OC2 which has 890 something of memory. I researched Sargeskis (Spelling??) problem, and it's the exact same as mine. Although I cannot find an answer nor a fix for a graphics card with less then 1 gig of memory. In DX10, That problem does not persist and is completely gone. I really wish I could just get DX9 working, because of the light bloom plugin, the FPS limiter, and other various things pertaining to working only in dx9. If anyone has any idea on what I could do, let me know. This happened in Vista, and since the upgrade to windows 7, i've still been experiencing this. I'll post my specs below.

Windows 7 Ultimate x64

Asus P5QC Mobo

E8400 ~ 3.8 GHZ

GTX 275 OC2

4 Gigs OCZ Reaper ~ 1.1 GHz Each

750 Watt PSU


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all I have seen is a fix for the bufferpools tweak for Graphics cards that have 1 gig of memory

Might be worth trying that fix anyway - I developed the crackling/popping issue a while ago and it was cured with adjusting the 'Bufferpools' tweak even though I had a 512MB card. I also recall it was for some very technical reason connected to 'DPC latency', so that might be something else to google.
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Do you, by any chance, have the number you set the bufferpools to? And how did you end up figuring out that you should use that number? I've tried many different bufferpool settings but none seem to work.

I just tried that DX9 update, and upon installation it says I have a newer or equivalent version. No installation is necessary

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Do you, by any chance, have the number you set the bufferpools to? And how did you end up figuring out that you should use that number?

Yes, I have it set to 512000000 (512 million). I can't recall the reasoning, but here's a thread I bookmarked when I was investigating, and here's the DPC latency discussion and tool.
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  • 2 months later...

Sorry to chime in late to this thread guys but I just resolved this exact issue with my fresh FSX installation. Thankfully I had a copy of my previous FSX installation .cfg to compare which never had a problem.

My fsx.cfg WITH sound crackling















My FIXED fsx.cfg WITHOUT sound crackling










So I just replaced this part of my .cfg file and it worked!  No dxdiag hacks/updates or bufferpools tweaks.

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