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New Zealand south Islands scenery

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Hi to all,

              I am new to forums and down loading scenery files,

I have brought New Zealand south Island from Orbx and loaded it through FTX central 3, all seemed to go well.

I tried to fly from Milford Sound. When FSX loaded the scenery it was a right mess, blue patches and parts of scenery all 

over the place. The plane was OK and from a outside view it was just the runway with the plane on it and bits of scenery

sticking out of the runway. Some small parts were ok in the back ground. I have FSX steam addition for some time

but are new to add on scenery. 

I just don't know were to start.      Please can anyone help

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On ‎04‎/‎01‎/‎2018 at 9:37 PM, Smudger said:

Hello Anthony,

Welcome to the forums.

Have you installed the Orbx Libraries, is there a blue library update showing lower left of FTX Central ?

Hi Smudger,

Yes you were right it was the blue box that I did not click, All done and working well.

Thanks very much for your quick help    Thank you, Tony 

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