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Unable to install FTX in FSX: SE

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I have seen many topics on this subject but none of them seem to relate specifically to my problem that I can find so if it already exists I apologize in advance.


I have recently switched from boxed FSX to FSX: SE.  I did a complete uninstall of FSX and a new install of FSX: SE.  After that I re-booted and the basic sim worked fine.  Then I did a new install of FTX Global which does not appear in the sim.  I have checked the registry (as per these forums) and the install is being pointed in the right place.  The registry key has a value of 0 and the folders are C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX and C:\Users\my name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX (not FSX:SE as per the fix https://steamcommunity.com/app/314160/discussions/1/490123832541365433/)


I have attempted the install/uninstall 3 times now and I am at a complete loss as to why FTX is not loading into the sim.  I have installed both from FTX Cental via the download link and manually (but still inside  FTX Central). My anti-virus and firewall are disabled during this process.  Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is both time consuming and frustrating.  Please let me know if further information is required as this si both time consuming and frustrating.


Phil Pearce


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when you open FTX Central, are you offered a choice between FSX and FSX Steam Edition and if so, which do you choose?

If you are not offered a choice, which simulator version is shown at the top left of the FTX Central window?


An unrelated question, what advantage do you expect to see in the Steam Edition over the Disk Edition?

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Hi Nick, thanks for your reply.  I am only given FSX no other choice.  From the posts I have read and videos I have watched 90% of the opinion s that FSX SE is a better option as it saves frame rates and more economical from an operating perspective.


I have solved my problem over night, I also have to update the libraries after installing global and vectors.  That was very important and hopes others who get in the same situation as me.




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