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Is Vector Working With P3D V4?


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If I go to FTX Central 3, Select Lockheed Martin P3D V4 as my simulator, then open FTX Global Vector and click on "Control Panel".  Next I click on the Airport Elevation Corrections Tab and then click on "Run Auto Configuration".  The "Green" bar starts scrolling across, indicating the auto configuration has begun.  The problem is, it never finishes. I can let it run for hours and I never get the "Information" box saying: "Auto configuration has finished successfully. Don't forget to Click APPLY in order to summit your changes to the simulator". I have no idea if the Auto Configuration even ran or not.


Any help you could give me with this problem would be greatly appreciated.


Cliff Lord   

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I tried doing what you suggested: "Try going to your P3Dv4\ORBX\Vector folder and running the config tool from there, if it works, uninstall and reinstall FTXC3 as per the below link".


Using your method I did attempt to run Vector outside FTX Central 3 and got the same results.  The Vector Elevation Correction -  "Run Auto-Configuration" has been running for the past 5 hours. The Green bar scrolls across: but the program never finishes the "Auto - Configuration" and I never get the "Auto - Configuration has finished successfully" Box.

I do not believe this is an issue with FTX Central 3.



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Hi Cliff


The only other idea I have is to uninstall and reinstall Vector using the below method.


Click on the blue Vector uninstall button.  

Click on the "Clear Temp" button under the FTXC3 settings, then go to your P3Dv4\ORBX\ folder and delete the entire FTX_VECTOR folder, then go to the P3Dv4\ORBX\User Documents\Versions folder and delete the FTX_GLOBAL_VECTOR_PACK.txt file.

 Now to reinstall, sign in to your Orbx Direct account on the web page, and click on the account button top of page, then find and click on the Vector product info, and in the bottom line small print there is a manual download option, down load it and save it in a named folder, then open FTXC3 and select Vector, and click on the orange "installation options" and select "Install from my manually downloaded .zip". 

as per the below links. 






Also, have a look at the below topic, maybe it applies to you?







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I haven't forgot you.  It took me multiple try's to download Vector manually; but I finally got it. I just finished the manual install of Vector and I'm running the Auto Elevation Correction as we speak.  I'll get back with you today, with the results.



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The "Auto - Configuration" still continues to Run (Green Bar Scrolling) and I never get the "Auto - Configuration has finished successfully" Box.  Nothing has changed.  I'm actually lost as to what to do next!




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