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Looking at buying FTX SP2 - I have a question! :-)


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Hi guys, I have been using your freeware stuff for a few months now and really enjoy it.

I am considering buying your FTX scenery and the FlightSim Store has the SP2 DVD available at a discount.

What is the price to upgrade this to SP3?

Thanks in advance

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Thanks John :)

So all I have to do is download those two SP3 patches off your website? That is really convenient!

I really love all the work you guys do and I hope that you can continue with it, even with just the freeware stuff of yours installed I find it EXCRUCIATINGLY difficult to leave Australia!

Can't wait for your PNW release, that looks pretty awesome too!

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Wow that is good, sorry but my question is why buy SP3 Australia for $179 when Sp2 if 99 and comes with Avalon?

I still see SP3 pack as a perfect reasonable price and I wouldn't hesitate to buy it (if I had the money, almost there!),

I'm just curious if Sp3 has extra features that even with the Sp3 patch sp2 is different



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No mystery. Adrian has very old stock of those DVDs we made as a one-off for the Avalon Air Show in March this year. I believe he only has about two dozen left, so I've given him the OK to clear that old stock.  Don't stare a gift horse in the mouth, you'll be getting FTX AU for half price versus the downloadable regions.

There is functionality not a lot of difference between SP2 and SP3, although SP3 does contain a huge amount of bug fixes and improvements, particularly to the custom landclass.

So to save over 50% you:

1. Purchase the SP2 DVD

2. Installl it

3. Then download the SP3.001 patch and the SP3.001b patch

4. Run those

Now you have the latest patch four regions

5. Now 'purchase' YMAV Avalon Airport from the FSS, and you'll get a 100% discount off it (ie, it's free)

Now you have the latest patched version of YMAV

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