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Unable to (re) Install Software

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Hi Guys:


I'm hoping that one of you would be so kind as to point me in the right direction.  I need a little help.


I was experiencing multiple errors and crashes the last week with my FSX SE so after exhausting all other options, I decided to go the nuclear route and delete everything and start from scratch.  I had installed a bunch of new planes and ORBX scenery that I purchased at discounted rates at various holiday sales.  Rather than install them one at a time and test things like a smarter man may have, I installed everything at once so there's no way to know which product is causing the problems I am experiencing.  Better just to start over.


I was able to successfully install a few ORBX items, a couple of demos, the tree fix, etc., but I am having difficulties with the other, more important things.  I have several large area sceneries (No. CA, So. Ca and the PNW) and they are all doing the same thing.  They start the install process and then hang up at the one minute spot before dumping me out and saying that there's been an error and to sent you guys my log file.  Here's my purchase information for one of the products that I am having issues with.  if you need all of them, I'll be happy to send them as well. but I figured that whatever's causing problems with one area is the same issue causing me issues with the others so if I can fix one, it'll fix all of them.  Order Number: 481019 covers the PNW and S. CA along with some smaller airports located within those areas.  I found a 20kb text document in one of the ORBX files on my PC but I'm not sure if it's the log file and I'm hesitant to sent it so openly just incase it's got sensitive stuff on it.  If you must have the log file, can you please direct me to it so we can work on a resolution to this issue?  Basically, every installation will start and seemingly run fine down to the one minute mark where it will hang for quite some time (10 minutes or more) before a message pops up to contact you guys with my log file.


I'd really be thankful for any help one of you guys could send my way so that I can get back up and running again.  

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Hi Doug.  Thanks for responding to my request for help.  As it turns out, I was able to get everything downloaded today.  Oddly, I am doing nothing differently today than I was doing yesterday, but for whatever reason, today things are working.


Thank you sir.  I appreciate your time.

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