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FTX AI Switch problem


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In the FTX AI Control Panel, there is the one option to switch off Default AI traffic. 

This I want to do because the default is an FPS hog, as well as having made-up airline names.  For that reason I use My Traffic in the rest of the world, and FTX AI in Australia, and the free GA traffic for the parts of the world that I fly.

However when I try to uncheck "Use Default.." in the FTX AI contoller it tells me it is unable to do this.

If this is a known problem I would be grateful if I could learn of the fix.

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Ian, this happens because the control panel can't find the file. Search for this file below in \Scenery\World\Scenery.


and then rename it to,


This should enable the CP to recognise it so you can turn it off again.

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Hugh:  I read your post again, much more carefully.

I made the change in the ...World\Scenery as you suggested and the problem has been resolved.

However, I read Uhu's sticky, and I note that he refers to some lines in the Script folder (ORBX), that do not appear in mine and cannot be copied in.  They don't seem necessary, but do they refer to an earlier version?

Once again, thanks

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Thanks Wolter. 

Now all I have to do is to make FSX smooth at airports, and when flying low over high density areas.  Yes, I know its the sliders, and the fsx.cfg tweaks that can help, but I still find my o'clocked i970 and a GTX 280 unable to run the game at anywhere near full settings.  And it upsets the Scotsman in me to have all this potential but be unable to use .. or see it.

I dream of the day when FSX runs full throttle out of the box, but I suspect that somewhere around 5gigs of CPU might be needed for the grunt - or MS allows someone else to buy the code and rewrite it for greater efficiency.  After all, we now have W7 replacing the innovative but CPU and RAM hogging Vista, and the customers are rushing back.

Maybe we should all upgrade to server configurations with linked CPUs!

[br]Posted on: November 21, 2009, 12:01:01 AM

[br] [DOUBLE POST AUTOMERGE:] regrettably its only a i940 ...  dreaming again.
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