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Changing From FSX to FSX SE

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Hi all help appreciated,


I had MS FSX service pack 2 which I have now uninstalled. I had installed FTX Central and several regions into FSX. 


Due to a lot of crashes and bloat I have uninstalled FSX and now purchased FSX SE which is installed in the usual Steam Apps folder. I would like to now install my ORBX regions into SE but am not sure where to begin. When I uninstalled FSX I also cleaned the registry and unused folders so hopefully FTX would see a single installation of FSX SE. The FSX Steam Edition registry entry for co-existence shows 0x00000000 (0) which I presume means not co-existing.


  1. Do I need to remove FTX Central and reinstall it?
  2. Do I need to run the "Force a re-migration of your unified lclookup" setting in FTX?
  3. When I initially looked at installing England into SE, FTX Central asked me; "install from downloaded zip", "I already have a backup" and lastly "download and install then create backup  later" I presume I need to do the 3rd option, however it then asks for a location - is this for the installation or the backup?
  4. If this is for the installation which folder do I point it at, is it the FSX folder inside Steam Apps?
  5. Lastly is there anything else I should watch out for.


Many thanks



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Do I need to remove FTX Central and reinstall it?



Do I need to run the "Force a re-migration of your unified lclookup" setting in FTX?

Not until you have installed your products and only then if you see anomalies.


When I initially looked at installing England into SE, FTX Central asked me; "install from downloaded zip", "I already have a backup" and lastly "download and install then create backup  later" I presume I need to do the 3rd option, however it then asks for a location - is this for the installation or the backup?

There is no need for a back up, you can simply select Install product.


If this is for the installation which folder do I point it at, is it the FSX folder inside Steam Apps?

The folder is for your back up. You cannot select your installation folder, it will be whatever you have recorded in the windows registry.


Lastly is there anything else I should watch out for.


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