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Orbx download server issues.

Darren Howie

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Well 7 download attempts later and 15GB bandwidth out of pocket I am posting to find outwhat is the problem with the Orbx servers dropping out mid download.

Using FTX on my 120MB/Sec very stable connection i get between 15KB/sec to 2.5MB/sec with connections continually dropping out and wild speed fluctuations and pauses showing 18 plus hours to DL Sth America which is 6.6GB

I have tried now direct to have the dropout with 480Meg to go another 6GB down the drain using a direct download.





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120MB per sec. Wow...screaming fast...I thought my 10 was nice, not sure what that is, fiber optics but I suspect that speed might be an issue, any chance you can put a limiter on it for a slower speed. Maybe I don`t understand the issue I often get around 4 from their servers. Wondering if your extreme high speed just overwhelms the servers.


I also use a download manager what allows me to pause and resume downloads so if it drops I can just resume.



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120 is pretty slow these days a mate in Anchorage gets a mere 350-450MB/SEC living in a pretty remote part of the world.

What download manager are you using as it seems like once again the end user has to make up for deficiencies that retailers refuse to deal with.

If someone is going to offer these large downloads ie 6.6 Gig then they HAVE to at least ensure they can deliver the goods.

FTX is a pretty average piece of work with instability when downloading, freezes, timeouts etc no ability to resume etc etc.

Having spent the last 2 hours on one of my limited days off trying to make up for deficiencies in Orbx's logistics with a clear inability to deliver efficient downloads reliably.

(9 download attempts now with 3 hours to go at a blistering 375K/sec which will no doubt drop out once again probably with 1Mb remaining.)


Oh and yes another failed download...






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No Nick why would i need to?

I download and have no issues with anyone else with big downloads etc with very few exceptions.

With regards to FTX the product is very poor with regard to this EXACT issue. 7 download attempts and 7 restarts all failed. No ability to restart from where you where dropped back to the start of a 6.6GB download.

Its now almost 6 hours later and i am barely any closer to be able to use the product.

As a quick example i just hopped onto my simmarket account to show you exactly what i am talking about.

Download speeds that would be fantastic in the heyday of a 56K modem but we have advanced somewhat since then.

If a download manager is required to download from the Orbx servers how about a link on your shop page highlighting that customers may experience dropouts and a manager is recommended.

FTX does not permit interrupted downloads to be recommenced and with numerous large files that need to be redownloaded even if you only want to turn them off to test is simply making an unpleasant experience even less pleasant.

I own almost your entire catalogue of products but find your FTX program unhelpful, unwieldy and very unhelpful with regard to product switching etc ie on or off with no ability to hold products already download.

As for your servers this screenshot should cover that and even a slow simmarket DL is 25 times as fast as an Orbx one..

Best regards

Darren Howie


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Hello Darren,

I asked because a good download manager will download a file faster, most often allow a resume if the connection is lost

and hugely decrease the chances of a failed or corrupt download.


These would appear to be the problems you are reporting.


If you really have a 120 mbps internet connection, then there is something wrong with it.

Your download speed from SimMarket is also pitiful for a 120 mbps connection.

It would be acceptable for a 12 mbps connection.




This meagre 4.6 mbps is on a 37 mbps connection.





here is an interesting article on the subject.

Based on the conversion figures in that, your download speed should be in the region of 15 mbps.

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