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Central Rockies ( CRM ) not instaling fully FSX-SE


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Hi I am new here but not new to FSX-SE. I just purchased and downloaded NA Central Rockies and installed it via FTX Central 3 but nothing showed up when starting FSX so went into scenery  library and added the files that way, now it is sort of installed but just dose not look right at all . at most of the airstrips there is no runways or marked out grass / gravel , I have cars going through the airstrips and fields where there are no roads , no water at Mcall where there should be a lake .U88 Garden Valley is up a mountain and so on. maybe or most probably I have not got the install quite right but for the life in me I can't think what .

Anyone got any ideas as to what I should do next .


Many thanks

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Hi, Welcome to the forums,


Please start over again and undo what you have already done, but this time please install the Orbx Libraries first or immediately after you install CRM which will properly activate it and it will then show in your sim. :)  Also please add an order/transaction ID to your signature for further support.







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Once again many thanks Doug, I did as you suggested and it worked like a charm. I knew it was something that I did wrong or did not do but as soon as I installed Orbx Libraries  all was OK 


Thank you for your help

Kind regards



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