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Hello, the title says it all really, I noted that a runway in ORKNEY was black and assumed it was just a one off but when i went to Shoreham and Compton Abbas they to were just black. Checked a default grass strip and that black too.

Nothing else affected, all other Runways fine.

If I knew which texture( i assume orbx one and default may possibly be the same) was used I could copy it in if it is a missing texture?

Have seen similar post of "trouble at Bundaburg" but that was one specific airport with specific textures

I have not made any changes that I can remember of add on textures. Last purchase - Sumburgh some time ago now was the last.

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Thank you for your reply. Yes Im sorry FSX,  Would this also be the same texture that ORBX use for their grass runways.- All my ORKNEY ones are black and I have ORBX Scotland..

Thank you


If it is can someone email me the said texture?


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