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Missing Scenery files

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After installing the North American LC I opened the scenery file list in FSX to find that that there was a lot missing. Only some Orbx could be seen.  I had installed Global Base, Vector, NA LC and HD trees.  There was still some ORBX products present but everything else is missing  I have attached screen shot.   The simulator seems to run fine but I am not sure that all the scenery is loading.  FSGennesis should be in there and It is not.   2017-08-23_(1).png

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Ok I found a list of them and replaced the replaced them with the ones in the scenery notepad document.  C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX.  I did this and it worked, looks like everything is in there except there was one file 121 that I am not sure if it is supposed to be there or not.  Anyway it works now.  I have provided a copy of them in the attachment.  Hope It helps someone else.  I don't want anyone to have to go through this nightmare.  I think this are the original files.  Make sure you back up the ones you already have In the file first just in case there is a problem then you can go back to original ones if needed. 

Scenery cfg File list BU.txt

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