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EU Wales installation problem

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Recently purchased EU Wales and although it downloaded and appeared to install correctly using FTX Central, with ticks showing for both EU Wales and Cardiff Airport the scenery doesn't show in FSC SE, the scenery is FTX Global Open LC Europe. Checking the Orbx files in my FSX SE program appears to show the EU Wales and Cardiff airport are there but fail to load into the simulator.  I also tried using the manual download and then installing using FTX Central without success. Any ideas how to solve this problem would be appreciated.

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Thanks for getting back again Nick,

There is just the FSX SE folder no sign of any FSX folder. The other Orbx products that I have downloaded through FTX Central (FTX Global, FTX Global Open LC Europe and FTX Global Vector) and work fine and are brilliant products. I do recall having a lot of trouble when I installed Orbx Libraries and I had to completely remove FSX SE and reinstall it and all the add-ons which was a real pain.

Once again thanks for your help.




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The scenery cfg file I attached was modified on the 12-08-17 but there were to other scenery cfg files present one described as OldScenery date modified shown as 12-08-17 and the other described as Scenery.cfg_Orbx_Backup date modified 15-02-17. This last one does show reference to Orbx at area 100. Both thease old files are attached below.

Any suggestions would be welcome.





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