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Objects missing at LOWI, KCGX, and ESSA.

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I recently bought and installed the Innsbruck, Meigs and Arlanda airports through FTX Central 3. Many of the surrounding objects do not appear - no Ski Jump at Innsbruck; missing Soldier Field, McCormick Place, etc, at Meigs; no airport buildings at Arlanda. Please see the pics below.

I have tried all suggestions I have been able to find in the forums so far, with no success, and my Libraries files have been recently updated. 

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.





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Thanks again.  I read the suggested info, but I have never had any version other than FSX-SE on this computer.  

The "Co-existence key" in my registry (mentioned in the referenced link) was already "0".

I then tried opening FTX Central choosing the FSX option (not FSX - SE).  

The upper left corner of the window now reads FTX Central - FSXSE and I can see all of the scenery.

Weird - but it works.  I just hope I haven't caused an issue elsewhere that I don't know about yet.

If you can think of any reason why that would happen, I'd be interested to know.

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