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blurry orbx textures

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OS Name    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Version    10.0.14393 Build 14393
Other OS Description     Not Available
OS Manufacturer    Microsoft Corporation
System Name    USER-PC
System Manufacturer    LENOVO
System Model    1037
System Type    x64-based PC
System SKU    HuronRiver_CRB
Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2450M CPU @ 2.50GHz, 2501 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date    LENOVO 40CN11WW(V3.10), 5/11/2012
SMBIOS Version    2.7
Embedded Controller Version    3.11
BIOS Mode    Legacy
BaseBoard Manufacturer    LENOVO
I Have global,vector, and openLc North America

I just need to know how to fix the blurriness and see auto gen more consistently. I'm not getting lag or anything and i'm running on max settings. I haven't changed anything in my cfg file.

One thing iv'e noticed is when i disable the orbx libraries from the scenery page in fsx. my textures are good but still don't see auto gen until around 7000ft. The disadvantage with having this disabled is that i have textures all jumbled up. Any help would be great.


Davede Buckham


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Hi Davede,


Your PC is not strong enough to run FSX on max settings, it barely meets the recommended minimum requirements.  So I would start by turning your FSX settings way down, such as, turn all the traffic off, turn the autogen density to normal or less, turn the water effects down to Mid 1.x, then untick some of the roads and features in Vector. Even after fine tuning the settings your PC is going to struggle to keep up....complex aircraft will also bog it down, flying fast will also create blurries because your PC will not keep up, so slow simple aircraft will work best. :)


The Orbx libraries are required for proper operation and display of the sceneries and yes disabling them is the same as taking away huge amounts of data for your sim to process, so your PC has less work load and gives you the false appearance of better performance.





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14 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Hi Davede,


Your PC is not strong enough to run FSX on max settings, it barely meets the recommended minimum requirements.  So I would start by turning your FSX settings way down, such as, turn all the traffic off, turn the autogen density to normal or less, turn the water effects down to Mid 1.x, then untick some of the roads and features in Vector. Even after fine tuning the settings your PC is going to struggle to keep up....complex aircraft will also bog it down, flying fast will also create blurries because your PC will not keep up, so slow simple aircraft will work best. :)


The Orbx libraries are required for proper operation and display of the sceneries and yes disabling them is the same as taking away huge amounts of data for your sim to process, so your PC has less work load and gives you the false appearance of better performance.





Idk I guess ur right, I only fly on vatsim so no traffic is enabled, and my system runs fsx pretty smooth so idk if its my system but I guess I'll just have to live with it

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