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Airport 8NC9 W.N.C. Air Museum (North American Airports)

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I have my ORBX products installed and was enjoying new destinations in North Carolina, when i discovered Airport 8NC9, W.N.C. Air Museum is not working for me. This is a clean build of FSX and NO other products are installed.  (ORBX FTX Base, Vector, and Open LC NA and NA Airports)  I have not added mesh or traffic yet.  My plane is setting on a grass airstrip, suspended in the air.  The elevation of the airport seems to be off.  The FSX map shows 8NC9, but also shows 0A7 Hendersonville at the same location. Can someone try this and post what you get?  Will installing accurate mesh correct this?   Any help is appreciated.

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I ran the tool and it found the airport.  I added it to the enabled list.  No change.   I went into the Vector AEC folder and changed the AEC file for 8NC9's bgl extension to ".off" and it now everything looks right.  (everything is the correct elevation, no more suspended grass runway.


When the Elevation tool found the airport, it added it to the disabled list.. I guess I should have taken it's advice and left it disabled.

Either way, Doug, thanks to you, it works. Sorry for the delay, I had to make a quick circuit and a grass landing.



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