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Re-installation problems

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I have FSX SE on Win 10 Home. I had FTX Global, England, Libs etc all installed and working. I have had cause to uninstall everything and re-install FSX SE. Now when I download and install any ORBX products, it says downloaded and installed but there is no listing in 'Scenery Library'. I have used the latest Central.


1) Why is this?


2) How do I correct this?


Thanks for any help.

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Hi Greg,


1) Not sure how you uninstalled everything, but obviously the complete contents of the FSX folder which contains the ORBX folder did not get deleted.


2) You will need to go to your ORBX\User Documents\Versions folder and delete all the .txt files in it, which will tell FTXC3 that these products are no longer installed and allow you to reinstall them.





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Hi Doug,


Hope you get this! Still can't work out this damn forum!!!


I uninstalled the FSX/ORBX folder including your txt files then re-installed one of my products, but just the same I'm afraid. Says installed and up to date but not and not in scenery library.






P.S. Is there a way of downloading products to PC instead of having to wait hours downloading again through central?

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