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Re-Installation of FTX Global Base and Vector - How to know it has been installed correctly ?


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Hi Guys,

Back from one of my many hiatus's that I have but this time back for good.

Just purchased a brand new custom built gaming PC that runs 2 X GEForce 1080 Founder Edition cards, liquid cooling, I7 7700K processor and it is just this shizz....:-)

Anyway, I transferred a lot of data from my old PC to my new one and one of the files that remained in the transfer over to my new PC was FTX Central V3. What I did was do a complete new re-install of Prepar3D on my new PC and then when it came time to load up FTX Central V3, I double clicked it and it came to the front menu screen and I had a heap of things that simply came up as not installed, most notably FTX Global Base Pack, FTX Global Vector and FTX Global Open LC North America. All I did was start at Global Base Pack and click download and that installed and I did the same for Global Vector.

I guess what I need to know is how do I know for sure that these have been installed correctly ? It didn't actually ask me to install it to a certain directory where Lockheed Martin P3D is on my C: Drive, it's like it just did it all automatically and installed it.

Before I get too far into re-installing everything, I just wonder if I have done it right so far or do I need to start again and re-download all of my addons where I get to select which drive to install them to where my Prepar3D is.

I still have AU Australia, Brisbane International and Open LC North America to go to install. I finally after all these years have a PC that can handle the graphical intensity that these flight sim games have.

Any help is appreciated.





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Hi Nick, 

Thanks for the response, much appreciated.

I think my concern was that when I transferred data from my old PC to the new one, FTX Central V3 was one of the programs that transferred over in the data exchange. I have then loaded up and installed Prepar3D on my new PC, clicked on FTX Central V3 and I clicked install FTX Global Base but it didnt come up with like a directory to actually install it to, so I just clicked download and install. My concern I guess was that as there was no directory bought up in the installation process to install FTX Global base to, has it installed correctly as when I had a test flight around Los Angeles and San Fransisco just to check P3D was working, the landscape and visuals were a little bit barren so to speak, this is despite all the sliders up to max as this PC can handle it with room to spare. Maybe its just me though as I'm not sure how much trees and landscape would be showing with just a base FTX Global installed and flying around those 2 areas


Admittedly, I have not downloaded and installed Open LC North America yet so I would loosely assume that this will bump up the visuals and density a bit graphics wise and flying around these 2 airports and all over the rest of North America. I also havent installed any of my REX addons either of Rex Essentials plus overdrive, texture Direct and soft clouds along with Worldwide Airports HD.


Your thoughts OR should I perhaps delete both FTX Global Base and Vector before I go any further and then remove FTX central 3 from my system and start from scratch and re-download and install FTX Central 3 along with both FTX Global Base and Vector so that it is a completely fresh install.





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Hi Nick,

I am attaching a few photos of that EGCD airport in that link you put in your previous post and perhaps give me your thoughts.

Actually, I can only upload one as it says that I have  a maximum 4MB that I can upload so I have chosen the best one as I had to reduce the file size so the quality might not be the greatest.






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Hi Nick,

Very frustrated here....:-(

I have just tried to do a test flight out of Sydney and have all my settings to max ( I even tried to lowering Texture resolution and Mesh resolution without success)  and there are only a handful of buildings that come up, the ground is real flat like photoreal, and it does not look good. I have a feeling now that when I transferred data over from my old PC, there must have been some remnants on FSX or something still on it within FTX Central, I really dont know but after downloading and installing both FTX Global Base and Vector, I'm not really impressed with the results graphics wise and I'm running 2 X GeForce 1080 founders edition cards now..

I am more than happy to go back to the start and do everything over from the beginning if need be so can you provide me instructions or a link please to somewhere that shows me how I can completely 100% uninstall and delete FTX central from my PC and start all over again by downloading and then installing FTX Central..Something has gone wrong somewhere and I haven't even got to all of my REX addons yet. I am happy to go back to the beginning as I want to get this right and will even go ahead and re-download the P3D V3 version for Global Base and Vector if need be.

Thoughts ?





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