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KLAS and KSMF issues

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Firstly thanks for getting me addicted to the ORBX sale (don't tell the wife :D) and the fantastic products you produce.


I do however have a few minor issues, i recently purchased California South, California North, Global vector and OLC Europe, i don't have any elevation issues with FSDT KLAS but i do have two sets of markings on the runways and wondered if there was a fix for this? The other issue is with Aerosoft Sacramento where i have buildings over roads and on using GSX to park at a gate it was in the middle of a fenced off lawn area and a pinging telling me i'm about to have an OOM and so wondered if there was a fix for this, if indeed it is even an ORBX issue or some other problem. Thanks very much.

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Hi Alan,


welcome to Orbx and thanks for the kind words!


We've collected guides for helping with integrating third-party add-ons with FTX SCA in a sticky thread in our Compatibility subforum: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/107874-sca-compatibility-index/


Let us know if you have specific questions about any of those instructions and discussions.


Cheers, Holger


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Hi Holger and thanks very much for the reply. I seem to have fixed the Sacramento issue by moving it to the top of the scenery list as i did with LatinVFR KSAN where i had all default buildings until i did so, i had already tried the FSDT KLAS fixes in the link but the double runway markings remained.

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Hi Alan,


perhaps you still have another airport facilities file active for KLAS. I'd suggest to run a Windows Explorer search of your entire flightsim folder tree for all .bgl files that include the airport's ICAO as part of their names -- e.g., search term *KLAS*.bgl -- and post a list or screenshot of the results with full file names and folder paths.


Cheers, Holger

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Thanks very much for that Holger, i'll give that a try and let you know how i got on. The ORBX addiction continues i had to get OLC North America today she's going to throttle me , at these prices it would be rude not to :rolleyes:

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Ok, i've done an explorer search of P3D v3 and all my KLAS bgl's either belong to FSDT or FTX there are no others.As long as FSDT KLAS is below all the FTX scenery i have no elevation issues but i do have double runway markings and FSDT scenery merging with default scenery






If i move the FSDT scenery above the FTX scenery then this brings on elevation issues, if i then apply the fixes in the link the elevation issues remain. So only by being below the FTX sceneries do i have no elevation problems but do have the two issues above. Sorry to be a pain.

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Hi again Holger, i think this may be an FSDT/P3D issue and not have anything to do with ORBX at all, i switched the Las Vegas.bgl off in the P3D NAMW folder and i have only one set of runway markings and the KLAS scenery seems to be fine but i do lose the Las Vegas strip.

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Hi there,


those default LV files are the same in FSX and P3D and Las Vegas.bgl should indeed remain active as it contains the casino models.


With the file manipulations as per the FSDT KLAS thread the airport and strip should display correctly as long as the display priority is FSDT KLAS above SCA above default.


Perhaps you should double-check the list of file steps posted here:


and then post the list of active .bgl files as I suggested so we can cross-check.


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger i've double and triple checked the way i applied the fixes and it's still the same, here are a few images:-


1. Fix applied and KLAS scenery above SCA but below other ORBX scenery



2. Fix applied and KLAS scenery at the top of the scenery list



3.Fix applied and KLAS scenery below all ORBX scenery



Here's the list of BGL'S

















































Just to let you know i'm a 53 year old idiot that really should'nt be allowed anywhere near a PC :mellow:


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Hi there,


sorry, but that list isn't very helpful as it's difficult to see which files got deactivated with the additional .OFF extension. It would be much better to make sure the search results (*KLAS*.bgl) are displayed in View > Details mode in the Explorer window and then to take a screenshot of that. That allows us to see full file names, extensions, dates, and folder paths all at once. For example, see http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/134687-kmry-elevation-issue/?do=findComment&comment=1195382



What I do notice from the \KLAS\scenery list is that the new cvx_FTX-SCA_FSDT-KLAS_compatibility.BGL from the compatibility instructions appears to be missing. Have you downloaded and installed that file?


Cheers, Holger

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Hi again,


looks like you didn't run Vectors airport elevation correction (AEC) tool yet, from Vector's control panel. You'll need to do this after installing new regions and airports, regardless whether they are Orbx or third-party products. Running the auto-scanner and then pressing Apply will make sure that all of Vector's duplicate airport files -- the ABP_KLAS, APT_KLAS, and AEC_KLAS .bgl files in your list -- will be deactivated.


Cheers, Holger

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