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KWYS 59166e25bgdb4

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Please don't delete this.  This is an ORBX Problem.  I cannot in any way install KWYS.in Prepar3Dv3. You name it I've tried it.  KTVL same way.  Other scenery no problem.Northern CA is in there, and Central is in.  KJAC in. Getting ready to install Southern Alaska, as I want to put in Juneau. I get some vehicles in KWYS but no building. I get more with default KWYS than ORBX.

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Doug:  Thanx for your reply, and I just learned a lesson. I didn't think Libraries was that important.  I do now.  What is confusing is that everything else went in, except those two.  But now I see all the ones that did go in there is more activity, and scenery. 

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2 hours ago, 308cpe said:

Doug:  Thanx for your reply, and I just learned a lesson. I didn't think Libraries was that important.  I do now.  What is confusing is that everything else went in, except those two.  But now I see all the ones that did go in there is more activity, and scenery. 


The technical explanation: KTVL and KWYS both rely heavily on our ObjectFlow module, moreso than most other airports. ObjectFlow is shipped with the libraries and so by not having it, many airport objects will not display. The reason for the reliance on ObjectFlow is that in FSX and Prepar3D up through version 3, as altitude increases, object placement precision decreases and a shift occurs. Using ObjectFlow circumvents this and so we used it to correct object placement. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

6/01/2017   Thanx Alex: You just learned me another lesson about Object Flow.  In all this meantime.somehow my computer crashed, and I am now on Prepare 3Dv3.4. I have downloaded FTXCentral. However when I start to redownload my scenery from Orbx the page That says download to, fsx, Steam, &prepar3D does not come up. Says installing to hardrive. So I installed Global like we used to.  FTXCentral is really nice, as you click on it and everything goes in.  I check it in the library and the path is very distinct, as opposed too Scenery\Cities\KIAH. Now I installed like this.  C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D\Orbx\FTX_AA, and the next FTX,etc.. it says its in but I would rather install through FTXCentral.  I will work on it in the meantime, as I did to a restart.  Let me know please if I need to put this enquire into another venue on the Forum..

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